Beach Barbecue and Reiki with our wonderful ‘ohana at Ali’i beach park.

Had an amazing day at Ali’i beach park with our ‘ohana (family in an extended sense of the term, including blood-related, adoptive or intentional).

We barbecued Portobello mushrooms, corn, squash, and sweet potatoes, soo delicious.

Enjoyed a wonderful day at the beach, in the water, great conversations, and good laughing.

Finished the day up with a great Reiki session while watching the sunset. 

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Enjoying the ocean

I do a lot of Reiki in the ocean or on the beach next to it, it is so calming and cleansing.

It is an amazing place to send Reiki from.

This time we went snorkeling, saw some amazing fish, enjoyed a beautiful day.

I then did a nice long Reiki session after the snorkeling. 

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Super Full Moon Reiki

We went to see the Super moon, it was so amazingly beautiful and empowering.

I am so blessed to live in such a wonderful place.
I am very thankful for the breathtaking nature, how open the people of Hawai’i are to Reiki and energy work, and the strong Hawaiian culture that is very much alive here.

Mahalo Nui Loa for letting me be a part of it!

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